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New-born fry have tiny mouths and huge appetites! They will eat lots! And they empty their stomachs every 20 minutes! Of course, you should not feed them this often. Feed your fry 3-5 times a day on powdered flake food in small amounts, then introduce them to freeze dried brine shrimp/live baby brine shrimp.

When feeding fry it is important to offer a variety of food. A couple of quality, high-protein flake foods should be given, crushed up finely (almost powdered). Some breeders like to feed a small amount of flakes before each feeding of BBS. But this sometimes makes them less eager to eat the brine shrimp and therefore leaves the tank with wasted food.

here to see a guppy giving birth

The Lighting

Lighting is also an important aspect in the growth of guppies.  Many breeders keep the lights on anywhere between 12-17 hours. Strong bright lights are not necessary and usually not used. Guppies that live in a dim tank will often form deformities of the spine.

Baby Brine Shrimp (BBS)

This is generally accepted as the #1 food for guppy fry. If you have a large guppy-breeding operation, you will want to give them the ultimate - live BBS that you have hatched yourself. If however, you are carrying on a small hobby, look for the convenience of frozen BBS. Make sure though, that it is BABY Brine Shrimp, not Adult Brine Shrimp. BBS has much more nutritional value than Adult Brine Shrimp (ABS) and can fit into the fry's tiny mouths. Remember, anything that is too large for fry to eat will go uneaten, wasted, and it will pollute the tank. You must not feed your fry exclusively on BBS or they will get rather fat. 2 feedings of BBS + 1 feeding of flake food is fine.

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