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Here are a few quick fixes for any guppy enthusiast

Too Many Fry
The temporary cure to this "overflow" of fry is; 1 gallon, wide mouthed jars filled with tank water - place the fry in the jars and feed them slightly less than they would usually have in there normal tanks. Ammonia and Nitrites will come quick in these jars, it might be best to add a portion of gravel from the original tank to keep good bacteria levels up. Remember to keep these in a WARM room And eventually sell ect.. ect..

Midnight snack
If, like me, you worry to much about your smaller fry being hungry in the middle of the night. And you have allot of annoying water snails - get an magnet-algae scraper and use the scraper to crush water snails against the side of the tank.. the fry will peck at this all night... and soon no remains will be left but the shell. Good nutrition for growing fry. Remember to remove the snail remains afterwards.


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