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How can I tell if my guppy is pregnant?
Answer. Well first of all she will get much larger around the belly, then her gravid spot will get bigger and will darken, some even say they can see the babies eyes. But I have never seen this.

What size tank should I keep my guppies in?
3 gal is the minimum for guppies, guppies need "room" to swim, if you keep a guppy in a smaller tank than this, they will get stressed. Do not keep guppies in round fishbowls either - they may swim in circles.

What temperature should I keep the tank at?
75-79 Fahrenheit - 24 C. fry should be kept at 78F to 80F until 3 months old.

Which is better, plastic plants or real ones?
I would say that plastic ones are better, they last and don't need special lighting or trimming and are more clean, on the other hand - real plants such as java moss or java fern, give more cover for fry.

What kind of plastic plants do you use? What are the best to use?
I use an assortment of plastic plants, java fern imitations are the best for fry.

Is Coloured gravel bad for guppies?
Coloured gravel especially that neon Coloured type (green, yellow, blue) can startle guppies. It is best to use natural Coloured gravel, if you insist on having Coloured gravel, try black, gray or dark orange.  

If I had a tank with no gravel, why would I need to paint the bottom black?
Allot of guppy breeders have bare tanks, and most paint the bottom black, they do this because the guppies will just keep swimming down - or feel unsecured when there is no Gravel/dark substrate, paint the OUTSIDE of the bottom tank black or dark blue.

Will you sell your guppies to me?
I only sell my guppies to close friends and family... so no.

Can guppies interbreed with other poecilia?
Answer. They can. But I highly do not suggest it.

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